Course Curriculum

This curriculum contains two courses from Beauty As A Business including,"GOOGLE REVIEWS - The Ultimate Guide For Beauty Professionals" and "Photography and Video For Your Beauty Business". We've recently added two bonus courses to this free curriculum, as well as a course titled, "Posting During A Pandemic". Make-up Designory has also offered up a free course, found at the end of this module.

  • 1

    Photography 101: Introduction

    • Photography 101: Introduction

    • Photography 101: Discussion

    • Photography 101: Apply What You've Learned

    • Photography 101: Quiz

  • 2

    Photography 102: Framing Your Photo

    • Photography 102: Framing Your Photo

    • Photography 102: Discussion

    • Photography 102: Apply What You've Learned

    • Photography 102: Quiz

  • 3

    Photography 103: How To Light Your Photo

    • Photography 103: How To Light Your Photo

    • Photography 103: Discussion

    • Photography 103: Apply What You've Learned

    • Photography 103: How To Light Your Photo

  • 4

    Photography 104: Photography Hardware and Audio

    • Photography 104: Photography Hardware and Audio

    • Photography 104: Discussion

    • Photography 104: Apply What You've Learned

    • Photography 104: Quiz

  • 5

    Photography 105: Photography Software & Editing

    • Photography 105: Photography Software & Editing

    • Photography 105: Discussion

    • Photography 105: Apply What You've Learned

    • Photography 105: Quiz

  • 6

    Photography 106: Ready For Success

    • Photography 106: Ready For Success

  • 7

    Google My Business (Live Training) 101: 80/20 Formula For Success

    • 80/20 Formula For Success

    • 80/20 Formula For Success: Discussion

    • 80/20 Formula For Success: Apply What You've Learned

  • 8

    Google My Business (Live Training) 102: Foundational Social Media Marketing Principles

    • Foundational Social Media Marketing Principles

    • Foundational Social Media Marketing Principles: Discussion

    • Foundational Social Media Marketing Principles: Apply What You've Learned

    • Foundational Social Media Marketing Principles: Quiz

  • 9

    Google My Business (Live Training) 103: The Importance Of Online Reviews

    • The Importance Of Online Reviews

    • The Importance of Online Reviews: Discussion

    • The Importance Of Online Reviews: Apply What You've Learned

    • The Importance of Online Reviews: Quiz

  • 10

    Google My Business (Live Training) 104: Tools For Asking For A Review

    • Tools for Asking For A Review

    • Tools For Asking For A Review: Discussion

    • Tools For Asking For A Review: Apply What You've Learned

    • Tools For Asking For A Review: Quiz

  • 11

    Google My Business (Live Training) 105: Key Points To Remember When Encouraging Online Reviews

    • Key Points To Remember When Encouraging Online Reviews

    • Key Points To Remember: Discussion

    • Key Points To Remember: Apply What You've Learned

    • Key Points To Remember: Quiz

  • 12

    Google My Business (Live Training) 106: How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Businesses

    • How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Businesses

    • How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Businesses: Discussion

    • How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Businesses: Apply What You've Learned

    • How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Businesses: Quiz

  • 13

    BONUS Google My Business (Live Training) 107: 70/20/10 Rule For Posting On Social Media

    • BONUS: 70/20/10 Rule For Posting On Social Media

    • 70-20-10 Rule: Discussion

    • 70-20-10 Rule: Apply What You've Learned

    • 70-20-10 Rule: Quiz

  • 14

    BONUS Google My Business (Live Training) 108: Facebook Business Page Features & Advantages

    • BONUS: Facebook Business Page Features & Advantages

    • Facebook Business Page Features & Advantages: Discussion

    • Facebook Business Page Features & Advantages: Apply What You've Learned

    • Facebook Business Page Features & Advantages: Quiz

  • 15

    Posting During A Pandemic

    • Posting During a Pandemic

    • Posting During a Pandemic: Discussion

    • Posting During A Pandemic: Quiz

  • 16

    Instagram Trends for 2020

    • Instagram Trends for 2020

    • Instagram Trends for 2020: Discussion

    • Instagram Trends for 2020: Apply What You've Learned

    • Instagram Trends for 2020: Quiz

  • 17

    Make-up Designory: Keeping Your Workstation, Tools & Product Sanitized

    • Keeping Your Workstation, Tools & Product Sanitized

    • Make-up Designory: Discussion

    • Make-up Designory: Quiz